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Photo of Luis Eduardo Mogollon Colombia

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Edur Luis Mogollon, is an artist with over 25 years of experience, his pictorial proposals have moved to different countries such as Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, USA and Spain among others. Each stage of his painting captures moments and relevant issues that influenced her life style and way of painting. That is why when looking at all his work, from its inception until today, we discover versatility and...

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Edur Luis Mogollon, is an artist with over 25 years of experience, his pictorial proposals have moved to different countries such as Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, USA and Spain among others. Each stage of his painting captures moments and relevant issues that influenced her life style and way of painting. That is why when looking at all his work, from its inception until today, we discover versatility and great changes in the form and content of each table. The search for themes and artistic processes have been for the teacher, the main thrust to capture various ideas and concepts. And the language that you used to do, was to travs color. The strength and character of each stroke and the diversity of colors, reflecting the emotion and anxiety to show the world his vision interpretation. Colombia Exotic his current work is another step in his artistic evolution, which shows the influence of their environment. Landscapes, forests, moving to a corrupt city by asphalt or inhspito covered by mangrove vegetation. This series of paintings reflect his concern for the sense of ownership of spaces and natural environments, the absence of a feeling and ecological care. They speak of contrasts on a quiet life at the same time can be very intense, travs shapes, rhythm and color movement.

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